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Are there subscription fees or recurring costs associated with your manuals?There are no subscription fees or recurring costs, unless you require revisions. Our Digital Manual Management have an fee for hosting. Contact us for more information.
Do you offer digital manual management services?Yes, we do. See our services offering below: Manual Storage - accessible 24 Manual Distribution - made simple, quick, and easy Control - each employee assigned a manual Distribution - revisions effortlessly dispersed to employees Read Receipt - confirms and documents delivery to employees Manual Revision Service Convert Paper Manuals to Digital We host and distribute manuals for your company and employees. We provide digital confirmation, when your staff is assigned a manual, or read receipts when revisions are issued.
Aviation compliance manuals - Aircraft and DronesGeneral Operations Manual (GOM) Statement of Compliance (SOC) DCT Suite Repair Station Manual (RSM) Hazardous Materials Manuals (HMM) Hazardous Materials Training Program (HMTP) International Procedures Manual (IPM) Safety Management System (SMS) Safety Assurance System (SAS) Emergency Response Plans (ERP) RVSM Manuals (RVSM) EFB Manuals (EFB) Minimum Equipment List l(MEL) General Maintenance Manuals (GMM) Training Programs and Curriculums (TPC) SAFA Checklists
Do you write aviation manuals for Airplanes and drones?Yes, we do. Whether you need to develop FAA 135/145 or 135 Drone initial manuals or update your existing manuals so they comply with current requirements, we can help. Some of our manuals can be ready in 24 to 48 hours. See a current list of our aviation manuals below.
Can you help with required training?Yes, we can help with ground training in the following areas: 135 Ground Training SMS Training Maintenance training Contact us for more information.
Can you help with pre audit preparation?We’re Required To Have An ISBAO Audit, And We’re A Little Nervous….. Yes, we can. You have come to the right place – this is exactly what we do, and why we are sought after. We’ll help prep you for the audit. We have the experience – and the demeanor - you are looking for (we have owned and operated aviation companies, so we know what you are going through.
Do you offer flight department, compliance, and safety management reviews?"Yes, we do. Our compliance and safety management review services are designed to ensure you comply/meet federal regulations (where needed), and also offer you a clear picture of your operation. We’re were IS-BAO auditors, and indeed, many companies rely on us for this important (and necessary) distinction. We have the experience. We know what needs to be done to comply, but we also know how to get you there.
Does your budget forecast include: costing for compliance management of current and future regulatory issues and mitigating potential risk ?Your business growth, success, or failure is directly influenced by aviation regulatory compliance and Safety (SMS/SAS). The good news is, compliance costs can be managed, and compliance management can be controlled. The bad news is, failure to accomplish either can be mortally expensive to an aviation business. The most common question, frequently unspoken and usually evident in efforts to untangle aviation compliance confusion is; what must I do? That question is usually immediately followed by; why? The most frequent question enunciated without hesitation is; When must I ..? In today’s real-time, technology is producing fast dissemination of information, changes to, and variations of the requirements. Operators simply cannot afford the consequences of failing to adequately comply with mandates. When your ready. Let’s Talk!
What consulting services do you offer?Good Question. Examples of our service areas include: (Please inquire about other areas) FAA Reglatory Compliance Assessment Budgeting of Regulatory Compliance FAA Reglatory Compliance Manuals Audits Pre Audit -IS-BAO Safety Audits Stages 1, 2, & 3 Flight, Operations, & Maintenance Aircraft Management Company Oversite ICAO and Foreign Sovereignty Aviation Regulatory Compliance Aircraft Conformity Inspections Flight Department Internal Aviation Research Subscription Service- Quickly Get Answers to Regulation Questions Regulatory Research Aircraft Log Research Businesses Expanding into Aviation Authors Research For Attorney Court Cases Aviaition Investors Aviation Maintenance Department Review Aircraft Conformity Inspections Safety Management Systems Aviation SMS Brokers SMS Risk Management Growth Marketing, Advertising, and Sales Starting a FAA Part 135 Air Carrier Company Opening a FAA Part 145 Aircraft Repair Station
We need an employee retention plan. Can you help?Yes, we can. Employees want to stay with companies that reward engagement, offer opportunities to learn new skills, take on new responsibilities, and create personal success. Invest in the future, include coaching and mentoring programs into your company’s employee retention plans and build an aviation culture of success. A coaching and mentoring culture recognizes talent, developes future leaders, and encourages individuals to be their best. When your ready let’s talk!
Can you help with 135 air carrier certification for aircraft and drones?Yes, we can. Certificating a new part 135 air carrier, can be overwhelming. Complete certification service, from first step until achieving certification. Our FAA 135 certification service includes: applications, required manuals, consulting, and training assistance. When you are ready to take the step from dream to certification, lets talk!
Can you help with 145 repair station certification?Yes, we can. Certificating a new part 145 repair station, can be overwhelming. We offer a complete service weather you are planning a small repair station or medium to large sized operation. We can help. Our FAA 145 repair station certification service includes: applications, required manuals, consulting, and initial repair station training assistance. When you are ready to take the step from plan to certification, lets talk!
Why you should consider outsourcing your regulatory compliance.Compliance outsourcing is a cost-effective method used to obtain the services of highly trained consultants on an ongoing basis. This program is customized to meet the needs of your company. A strategy of selective outsourcing—choosing which compliance processes to conduct in-house and which to outsource—enables organizations to improve allocation of resources. This reflects the overall goal of outsourcing—to place operational processes with a third party who can execute them at high levels of quality with responsive and cost-effective delivery models, while freeing up internal resources for revenue-generating activities. Benefits of compliance outsourcing Gains in efficiency and quality through leveraging structured processes. Access to specialists. End-to-end processes, from compliance assessment through corrective action. Flexibility to scale deployment of skilled resources as needed. Reduced burden on internal infrastructure and resources. Effective cost reduction.
What is regulatory compliance risk?Compliance risk is exposure to legal penalties, financial forfeiture and material loss an company faces when it fails to act in accordance with industry laws and regulations, internal policies or prescribed best practices.
Does your business have a regulatory compliance strategy?The definition of compliance strategy: A plan of action to mitigate risk and adher to rules set by regulatory authorities. If you've never put this type of strategy together before, understanding how regulatory compliance and its applications could cause either long- or short-term issues with the potential to derail your business. First step is to decide what needs to be done. Then create company procedures and policies that are in line with regulatory requirements and ensure that all business functions are responsible for maintaining compliance in their areas. Considering the ramifications of noncompliance, you may want to involve specialists outside your organization. They can address and accomplish compliance objecitves more effectively and economically. Reaching out to external talent and expertise of some sort is usually a smart move. Either way, the objective is to avoid penalties or interruption to business associated with compliance malpractice or misapplication and control the cost associated with the never-ending compliance conundrum.
What is FAA regulatory compliance management?Compliance management is a company's plan to identify and avoid violations of laws, regulations, standards, and other industry mandates that can result in costly fines, legal consequences, and reputation damage. The key to managing compliance is recognizing it as an on-going cost of doing business. As such it should be budgeted and controlled.
What should regulatory compliance strategies include?The success of any compliance strategy, depends on how well it is planned and implemented, and how well it responds to new standards. Basic elements should include: How your organization will address relevant standards from an operational perspective; How you will establish or modify corresponding processes; and How effective risk mitigation and overall compliance success will be measured. How will you budget, account, control, or manage compliance cost
Why is FAA regulatory compliance important?Protects your company. The regulations are there for a reason – they help protect your business, your employees, and your customers. Failing to adhere to regulatory compliance requirements can open you up to risks beyond just fines.
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